Monday, February 15, 2010

Pink Valentines with beets

Happy Valentine's Day! (let's pretend I said that yesterday.)

So much for the continuous posting, huh?

But I made Valentine cookies! And I used beet juice in the frosting, which made a lovely color. =)

Vegan, of course. And very little soy too, just in the "butter".

I used this recipe for the sugar cookies:

Saturday, November 21, 2009


We got a new oven!! ^_^ It's so pretty.

And my first creation....


Pumpkin pie, vegan of course, and my first time making it. And my second time make a pie crust. It went very well this time! I used these recipes:


Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Okay everyone. I had my first crepe yesterday.

I was in Salem with some friends, and we went to a creperie there. The five of us ordered two to share, and while I remember them being quite good, I can't really even remember what they tasted like, because we devoured them so incredibly fast. I didn't even have time to get pictures. =P
But about 2 minutes later, here was the aftermath:

I decided this is something worth learning to make.

I tried it vegan-style, of course. But without the eggs, it's sort of like vegan french toast... not quite the same. But even still, my vegan french toast is HELLA good.

Anyways, the "crepes" were fun to make, but I need to experiment a bit more, for sure.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sad Day

Our oven died.

And it could be quite some time before we get a new one. So... no delicious cupcakes, for a few weeks at least. =(

We're trying to be creative with our cooking though. Tonight we made chili in the crock pot. Other than that, we've been doing a lot of toaster oven and microwave cooking. Any creative ideas out there? I'm being deprived of many of my favorite foods at the moment.

And of course as soon as I can't have them, I crave them even more. Quesadillas, fried zucchini, muffins, pancakes, cupcakes, etc.

Our household problems tend to come in threes, about once a year. So far the oven's gone, and it looks like our bread machine is dead as well. What's the last appliance going to be?

Are we really that good at killing things around here? =p

Saturday, October 24, 2009


It's apple season!! Which means it's time for cider pressing at my Aunt and Uncle's house. They have a small orchard, and have a party every fall.

We didn't stay long this year, so we actually didn't get any cider, but we picked a bag full of apples. I take one to class almost every day now. How cliché am I? But it's for me, not the teacher.

Anyhoo, now that we have a ton of apples sitting around, I felt I should attempt a pie.
I used this recipe:

It's not exactly beautiful, but it's pretty yummy for being my first pie, especially with it being vegan.

What should I make next from our pile of apples?

Shipping Cupcakes?

Weee, first post on my new blog! And this post is about two fabulous things: Vegan cupcakes, and sharing. ^-^

I shipped cupcakes for the first time this week. This is how they looked when I packed them:

They travelled 40 miles (short trip on the first try) in one day, and arrived "utterly squelched and wonderfully tasty."
Yay! x)

Now I just have to work on the "squelched" part. Mailing a cupcake is no easy task. It seems no one has yet perfected a method, but I love this blogger's experiments...
Cupcake Experiment: How (Not) to Ship a Cupcake
How (Not) To Ship a Cupcake: The Results

The recipe I used is my ultimate favorite: "Fauxstess Cupcakes" from Vegan with a Vengance. I just make the cupcake, not all of the extra fillings and frostings and whatnots.
bunnyfoot: heart of darkness: black cocoa "fauxstess" cupcakes

I didn't get a photo this time before they were packed, but my cupcakes often look like this:
(only this time, I made mint, lemon, and Nutella frosting. Yummm)